Sisterhood Creed:
You are My Sister!
I am my sister’s keeper, I will build up and not tear down, I will speak life and not death over her life, I will comfort her, I will assist her, and I will prop her up when she’s falling down for you are my sister. I will walk with you and not leave you; I will pray for you; I will be there for you when you need me and when you don’t know you need me whether virtually or face to face for you are my sister.

To inspire personal growth and human development globally through solution-focused, coached training that helps eliminate unresolved issues and create a happier and rewarding life.
Sisterhood is
Loving and accepting someone where they are, and consistently inspiring them to obtain their highest potential so they can fulfil God’s will and purpose for their life.
It is being supportive and uplifting. Operation CARE Sisterhood is the epitome of freedom. We help others explore their uniqueness. We create a sense of belonging so one can connect, love, and share as we empower others to be their authentic selves.
Our expectation is that every sister possesses love, kindness, respect, loyalty, and commitment to our various endeavor’s and for each other. We expect everyone to relax more, laugh often, and enjoy their life to the fullest as God would have us according to Psalms 126:2 (NCV) “Then we were filled with laughter, and we sang happy songs. Then the other nations said, “The Lord has done great things for them.” God’s desire is that we have moments full of laughter as laughter is medicine for the soul and it’s good for our sisterhood. It helps us cope with life and it uplifts our spirit.
Joining our Sisterhood is the first step of you becoming who God intended you to be.
Walk into your destiny. There is Hope for the one who go to God for safety, for they will be protected by the almighty.